







その際に、欧州で環境税制改革等の分析に活用されてきたマクロ計量モデルE3MG (An Energy-Environment-Economy Model at the Global level)を、英国Cambridge Econometricsの協力を得て、独自のE3ME-Asiaモデルとして再構築し、東アジアの関連制度改革の効果と相互影響を定量的に分析・評価しました。



日本・中国・韓国・台湾を中心とする東アジア地域は、エネルギー・環境・資源利用の側面でも相互依存を深めています。この地域の経済発展によるエネルギー、水及び鉱物資源、土地利用が環境に与える中長期的(2050年)影響、及びエネルギー・環境・資源政策の経済への波及効果等を、理論的・実証的モデルにより定量的に評価し、持続可能な未来に向けたエネルギーシステム、産業技術、資源及び土地利用のための関連制度改革の方向性を明らかにします。本研究グループがこれまでの科研費プロジェクトで発展させてきたE3ME-Asiaモデル(Cambridge Econometricsと共同)とFTTモデル(Cambridge大学4CMR研究所)を、一層進化させて分析に用います。



Improving the Energy-Water-Material Nexus toward sustainable future in East Asia Brief Introduction

As global populations and incomes increase throughout the world, pressure on environmental resources is also increasing. Although the problem is global, East Asia, which includes the world’s second and third largest global economies and the world’s largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, will play a key role in shaping the world that we live in.
In the run-up to the Paris COP, policy makers across the world are turning their attention to measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, while substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are necessary to mitigate climate change, the problem is in reality far more complex. Issues of energy consumption are intertwined with those of land use, water and the consumption of other materials ? this has been described as the energy-water-material-food ‘nexus’. Researchers are only now beginning to grapple with this problem and policy makers across the world do not yet have the necessary tools with which to understand the issue.
In this study we apply new advanced modelling techniques to help develop an understanding of the key issues and interactions, including socio-economic impacts. Using these econometric models, we will make forecasts to 2050 based on a business-as-usual scenario for East Asia, covering industrial production and the use of energy, water, key mineral resources, and land as well as agricultural production. Further, we will calculate emissions of environmental pollutants such as CO2 and particulate matter accompanying the use, production, and consumption of the above resources, and we will assess the impacts of health damage and declining land use on agriculture. Assuming increased energy and resource productivity, we will examine the impact of introducing various policy packages aimed at limiting pollution accompanying the use of these resources (e.g., carbon pricing and taxes on non-renewable resources, water resources, virtual water transfers, and unsustainable land use). And we use CGE model on some important issues for comparative studies with the results of E3ME-Asia analyses.
The final section shows that cooperation across the East Asian region will be essential to meeting the challenges posed by the nexus. The research will measure, evaluate, and compare the impacts of introducing policies at the individual country level as well as simultaneous adoption of policies throughout East Asia on the efficient use of energy, water and other resources, and land and agricultural productivity and on the suppression of emissions of various pollutants. It is aimed at policy makers who will ultimately be responsible for meeting these challenges while ensuring economic prosperity for people across the region.

▲Nexus of the Study
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▲Study subjects
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